WHAT'S NEW with HF-Lab ? -jpb 01/16/2015 ----------------------------------------- HF-Lab 095 - modify png_io.c to work with current PNGLIB now compiles OK using gcc 4.9.2 in Cygwin64 under windows 7 on x64 cpu 12/23/2014 ----------------------------------------- HF-Lab 094 - remove obsolete PNG/ZLIB src directories it now compiles OK on Debian x64 with current libpng-dev installed - change default "appendnum" setting to FALSE, so a sequential number is not appended to your saved filename (unless you 'set appendnum TRUE') 09/25/2013 ----------------------------------------- HF-Lab 093b - fix makefile in PNG dir (pnglib12 -> pnglib), to fix 'make hlu' on WinXP cygwin (gcc 3.4.4) - add 'rhistogram' to generate radial profile (useful after FFT, cmag, peak, log) - more fixes to work on cygwin (WinXP) gcc 4.5.3, also Debian (R-Pi) gcc 4.6.3 09/13/2012 ----------------------------------------- HF-Lab 093 - option to 'make hlu' for no interactive graphics (more compatible) - fix for batch mode (remove CR/LF characters from end of line) - fix for library compatibility (getline() naming collision) - update help file text - fixed memory leaks in png_read, png_write, h_fillbn (thanks Valgrind!) - compiles on cygwin (WinXP), gcc 3.4.4 - compiles on Debian 2.6.32 i686, gcc 4.4.5 04/27/07 ------------------------------------------- HF-Lab 092 - added nrm2 operator (multiply by one scale factor so max = 1.0) - added REPEAT operator (iterate rest of command line times) - added "filenum" variable to label filenames w/auto-inc serial # 04/26/07 ------------------------------------------- HF-Lab 091 beta -memory leak fix in cplx.c: c_real() (thanks Ray Gardener) -updated zlib/ to zlib 1.2.3 (version of July 18 2005) -updated png/ to libpng 1.2.16 (version of January 31 2007) -Note that grx246 must be patched to compile under GCC 4.1 as described here: http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/bugs/show.cgi?000378 -With above grx246 patch, confirmed compile with DJGPP, GCC 4.1.2 07/26/97 ------------------------------------------- HF-Lab 090 beta -improved 'cwarp' to take control and source HFs of different sizes. 07/24/97 ------------------------------------------- HF-Lab 089 beta -added patch to hf_io.c to enable reading of .OCT format files (generated by the Octave [Matlab-alike] matrix program, and HF-Lab). Thanks to Robert Bertram for the patch. 07/13/97 ------------------------------------------- HF-Lab 088 beta -added patch to x_iface.c to enable display using High- and TrueColor visuals in X Windows. Thanks for the patch from Michael Lamertz mlamertz@odars.de | http://homepages.odars.de/~maxwell 01/18/97 ------------------------------------------- HF-Lab 086 beta -hshift operator added, enabling an interesting procedural effect 11/29/96 ------------------------------------------- HF-Lab 085 beta -DEC Alpha patches from Neil Schellenberger -Upgraded png libraries to PNG 0.89c and ZLIB 1.0.4 -Added "tic" and "toc" commands for timing benchmarks 5/6/96 -------------------------------------------- HF-Lab 0.84 beta -PNG format writing (greyscale, 1..16 significant bits) and reading (greyscale, RGB, and palette, although not with alpha) -RAW triangle format writing (ASCII). Terribly inefficient in disk space, but does permit subsequent export to DXF etc. -POT format now also has variable number of significant bits (but PNG files are always smaller)